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Printable Update Previewing Now

The preview of our “Printable” update is now available for all customers to try 🙂
This period expected to run for 2 weeks, after which this update will roll out to all customer branded apps.

What’s Cooking Over June & July 2017

We’ve taken a little time out from our roadmap projects to work on a number of small tweaks, fixes and improvements across the platform. See a quick preview of what’s currently planned for our next release cycle, expected to ship in mid/late July.

Backend Facelift Is Live

We’re pleased to announce that a beta of our backend website facelift is ready for you to play with!
Let us know your thoughts on the new design – email your feedback to our support team 🙂

App Links and Task Connectors Now Live

Now you can generate emails, text messages and/or REST web service calls based on events occurring on a Task, and deep link into Screens with new functionality now live on the platform!

January Updates rolling out soon

Our team has been working hard on platform improvements that will be rolling out over the next few weeks.
Included are some “under the hood” upgrades to stability and performance, along with a new billing system and few little features that should make life easier.