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How Capturing Decision-Centric Data Can Benefit Your Business

Blog Banner: A man Ponders Decision-Centric Data

It seems like collecting the right data gets more important every year. It’s for good reason, though. Data is what makes the modern business tick. Not only that, it’s what separates a highly efficient business from a managerial horror show.  If you haven’t implemented sound data collection apps into your … Read more

Maintenance Management Software That Adapts To Your Needs

Blog post header for maintenance management system post - a man happily uses Appenate for maintenance applications

Ever wished your maintenance management software was more adaptable? Or that it was offline-capable or had a convenient mobile app?  Maybe you want a solution that includes a task management system or that gives you greater control over which fields make up your maintenance report forms or service forms. Perhaps … Read more

How To Help Your Field Teams Be More Productive

As costs skyrocket and financial uncertainty abounds, we must do what we can to help our field teams stay productive. If we’re going to survive these turbulent years, we must do our best to keep morale high and costs low.  So… what are some low-cost solutions we can try to … Read more

How To Turn Your Construction Forms Into Mobile Apps

Blog banner: Men on a construction site using mobile apps instead of forms

A paperless construction firm is a possibility. In this post, we’re looking at how to turn your paper forms into fully functional mobile apps. All without touching a lick of code.  This can all seem intimidating, but don’t let fear win. As you read this blog post, you’ll realize that … Read more

How To Create A Great Daily Construction Report

Blog banner for daily construction report blog post - a man works in construction with a mobile device

The daily construction report can be a headache, right? It so quickly becomes an unmanageable mess, there’s little wonder you’re here to get some help fixing it up or even recreating it.  You’re in the right place.  In this post, we’ll be exploring ways to create a better daily construction … Read more

How To Find Your Ideal Construction Software

A construction site operates smoothly because of finding the right fit construction software for them.

Managing construction projects is a stress-inducing pursuit, no doubt. It can feel like everyone constantly needs attention – there’s never enough time in the day. You don’t remember when they started, but all you know is that the nightmares about the piles of paperwork on your desk are costing you … Read more

How To Reduce Paperwork Pain In Your Construction Company

Men work on a shared device on site in order to reduce paperwork in their construction company

As technology advances, switching to digital solutions across all industries becomes easier. And the truth is that we can no longer afford the time or resources that paper saps from our businesses. The excuses for clinging onto paper processes are running out, so it’s about time you took a serious … Read more

Custom Software Development: Should You Build Or Buy?

Custom Software Development Blog Header: A person helps another with code on a computer screen

As a business, having your own custom software app sounds appealing. Creating something bespoke for either internal business processes or for clients to streamline their workflows can set you apart in today’s market.  It’s a costly endeavour, no doubt, but it could be a solid investment in rare cases. In … Read more