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How Appenate Works For The

Manufacturing Industry

Create & deploy custom forms & processes.
Mobile & Desktop. No Coding Required

Full Access. No Credit Card Required

Speed Up Production With Data

Supercharge your manufacturing processes with mobile apps and lightning-fast data collection. Gone are the days of trying to identify a bottleneck by digging through stacks of dirty paper. 

With Appenate’s intuitive drag-n-drop app builder, you can:

Tighten up warehousing with stock-take apps. 

Create health and safety inspections, observations and hazard controls.

Log time information with assembly apps. 

Identify bottlenecks by exporting to a spreadsheet and filtering results. 

Keep health and safety happy with easy to use inspection apps. 

Plays Well With Others, Offline Capable

Appenate does offer basic reporting, but if you want something more powerful we have a host of integrations with specialized tools. 

Your apps will also be fully offline-capable, so your staff can keep capturing key information on the go. As soon as they’re online again, the data will sync and be accessible everywhere. 

You can even upload critical documentation to be viewed at any time, and with powerful digital security, your data stays safe with us. 

Free Training & Support For Life

Even learning an intuitive tool like Appenate can be a challenge when you have a hundred other things on your mind. That’s why we offer free training and support throughout your time with us. 

This is so you can get your staff up and running fast, and create the apps that’ll supercharge your manufacturing production. Because we truly do want to see you succeed.

Mobile Forms in Under 5 Minutes