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How To Find Consulting Clients With 11 Proven Methods

Banner for how to find consulting clients blog post - man with laptop in hand looks up at a building filled with potential clients

The search for consulting clients is becoming more competitive, with the consulting market set to grow steadily into 2026 and likely beyond. In honour of our Consulting Partner program, we’ve decided to look at some ways you can get new clients as a new or experienced consultant. You may have … Read more

How To Convince Your Clients To Embrace Digital

How to help clients embrace digital technology blog post banner: a man inspects equipment using a tablet

When you adopt digital solutions as a part of your methodology, your life (and your client’s) becomes easier. Still, some people kick against the idea of digital. They’ve been working in a specific way for years, and their resistance to change is high. Why fix what isn’t broken, right? It’s easy … Read more

Feature Showcase: Data Source REST Connector

Muller wearing a backpack at a camping site

It’s never ideal to have to pull developers off a project to assist with other things. Especially something you could do yourself! The good news is that you can now transfer data from an external REST-enabled web service to Appenate using the REST Connector For Data Sources. You get to spare … Read more

7 Ways To Provide More Client Value Without Spending A Dime

Provide more client value blog post header: two men meet and discuss strategy on a tablet.

Consulting is an ever-growing occupation. You compete with more firms to reach the same clients every day, no matter what industry you serve. Thus, it’s essential to stand out (which takes resources). This is something many consultancies – especially individuals – don’t have in excess.  What’s more, clients are demanding … Read more

How To Create A Custom Maintenance Report Form

How to create a maintenance report form blog post header, with a view of a man using a digital form

Machine failures are a blight on industries the world over. While some are sudden and unexpected, the truth is that many of them can be prevented by proper maintenance.  The key is information, and when running a busy operation, info isn’t always easy to come by. That’s why setting up … Read more

7 Tips To Build Client Trust For Lasting Relationships

Blog banner for trust blog post - two people shake hands.

Building trust with your clients is essential in any business. It’s even more critical when you’re a consultant, and your reputation is everything.  That’s why it’s critical to build and maintain trust throughout the client journey – the initial contact, working relationship and post-project. Each stage presents opportunities to gain … Read more

Feature Showcase: GDPR Compliance

GDPR compliance Stephen feature showcase

If you collect data from EU citizens, you’ve probably heard of the GDPR. Non-compliance regarding this policy can result in fines of up €20 million (sheesh!). To prevent that, we offer a GDPR-compliant platform for any data you need to collect in your working processes.  That’s why Stephen, Development Manager … Read more

How To Calculate The ROI Of Mobile Forms Software

Mobile Forms ROI Blog Banner

You’ve likely heard of mobile forms software and how it optimises operations in many different industries. Some report cost savings; some report increases in production – our very own customers have cut their admin time by as much as 80%. That said, you may be wondering… how, exactly, would you … Read more

Ahorre Más Tiempo Con Klein Karoo ⏱️

¡El ciclo de lanzamiento de Klein Karoo está en marcha! Esta actualización de Appenate recibe su nombre de un valle espectacular en el Cabo Occidental de Sudáfrica. Con vistas impresionantes, vida vegetal interesante y una gran cantidad de aventuras, este valle es un buen homónimo para nuestro último ciclo de … Read more