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Feature Showcase: Enterprise Toolkit

What’s the best thing about Digital Transformation? For us – it’s the ability to switch from dislocated datasets to fully integrated systems!

For this very reason, Eduardo, a Customer Success Associate at Appenate and part of our LATAM team, picked our ‘Enterprise Toolkit’ as his favourite Appenate feature.

Working so closely with customers, Eduardo knows the value of centralised administration in complex contexts all too well. 

Before we dive in, here are a few facts about Eduardo.

  • He’s a family man. If there’s something fun to do AND it involves quality time with his family – count him in.
  • Eduardo believes that true adventure lies beyond the comfort of your concrete box – he regularly ventures into the wild for some active exploration. Hiking and kayaking featuring at the top of his favourite to-do’s.🌿
  • He never misses an opportunity to kick back and watch some sports. Rugby & football are his favourites. 

“In addition to allowing the centralized management of environments, the Enterprise Toolkit enables the use of the Repository area – where we can carry out the distribution of content between existing environments.” – Eduardo

So, What Is The ‘Enterprise Toolkit’ & Why Is It Useful?

When building apps for international or big businesses, it’s essential to have a central admin portal where different geographical or functional departments can be configured and managed in isolation. 

Our enterprise toolkit does all that and more. 

You can easily host multiple environments for different departments on a single Master’s account. These environments are highly configurable – you can control who has access, what they can see & to what extent they can interact with a specific environment.

This Toolkit is typically used in the following scenarios:

  • International businesses where environments need to be configured to match different geographical settings  (i.e. time zones & dates should auto-update to fit the context.)
  • Multi-department businesses, where different apps need to exist for different internal teams.
  • Development & testing – where every stage of the development process (develop, testing & production) is allocated to its own environment – providing a risk-free playground for building your apps.

How Does It Work?

When you activate the Enterprise Toolkit, your account is automatically upgraded to a Master’s account. From there on, you can create new environments by navigating to Platform & Billing>Environments>Add New (top right corner.)

The repository area mentioned above allows you to store your apps and install them into environmentsas needed. You can create a whole new environment from scratch, copy content from your Master’s account to your environments & configure everything from there. 

Appenate's Enterprise Toolkit Screenshot

Are You Ready To Take Control?

Consider contacting support to upgrade your account if our ‘Enterprise Toolkit’ sounds like the solution you’ve been looking for. 

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