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AppnBytes: How To Avoid Rabbit Holes

Welcome to another AppnByte. An initiative where our developers unpack the lessons they’ve learned throughout their programming careers. Today’s piece is on distraction, penned by Bradley Smithies – Software Architect at Appenate. Let’s jump in. How To Avoid Rabbit Holes Every programmer has found themselves here at some point: working, … Read more

AppnBytes: Optimising User Experience

Optimizing user experience with Joe blog post header

“AppnBytes” is a new initiative that provides a rare look into the minds of our developers. Our very first entry is from Joe de Lange, Intermediate Front-End Developer at Appenate. Let’s dive right in. Optimising The User Experience As a largely data capture-driven product, we have to frequently display large … Read more

Easily Add Custom Business Apps To Your Service Offering

You’re looking to equip your services with custom apps and elevate your client’s operations. You’ve heard of no-code solutions and scoped out some options – most of which were disappointing.  Oversimplified and rigid business app builders left you with the desire to build it all yourself. You want highly-capable apps … Read more

Custom Software Development: Should You Build Or Buy?

Custom Software Development Blog Header: A person helps another with code on a computer screen

As a business, having your own custom software app sounds appealing. Creating something bespoke for either internal business processes or for clients to streamline their workflows can set you apart in today’s market.  It’s a costly endeavour, no doubt, but it could be a solid investment in rare cases. In … Read more

Introduction To The NIST Cybersecurity Framework Guidelines

Appenate NIST Guidelines introduction blog banner - a man uses his laptop while keeping a watchful eye around him

Cyber attacks pose a serious threat to the modern business. So unless your company operates entirely off the grid, you’ll need security measures to help prevent infiltrations or mitigate the damage caused by a breach. That’s why the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a powerful framework that … Read more

How To Reduce Costs Within Fieldwork Operations

How to reduce costs in a fieldwork business blog post banner - a man saves by using electronic devices instead of paper.

The ramification of recent events is that more businesses are paddling faster just to stay afloat. Inflation is hitting record highs worldwide, and cutting costs is becoming critical to survival for many. Hopefully, the sirens aren’t sounding on your end yet. Either way – saving money is a worthwhile endeavour … Read more

How To Write An Employee Incident Report [Templates & Tips]

Incident report guide main blog banner - a man manages an incident from his tablet.

So you want to create an effective employee incident report form? We’ve got you covered with two nifty templates (PDF & Google Docs.) Creating your form is easy. Getting employees to fill out these forms is the tricky part (especially in a bustling workplace!) This article details everything you need … Read more

Help Your Clients Join The Digital Revolution

Digital revolution blog post banner

Risk management, business resilience and disaster recovery have enjoyed a lot of focus – even before the events of the last couple of years. Despite this, many businesses still stick to traditional paper-based forms and processes – even while large corporations enjoy a multitude of benefits from going digital.  These … Read more

Is A White Label App Builder Right For You?

A man sits on his laptop, presumably considering investing in a white label app builder

White-label businesses come in many forms – a notable entry to the industry being white-label app builders.  What exactly are they? And are they better than other white-label opportunities?  That’s exactly what we’re going to ascertain in this blog post. Read on to reveal the answers. 😉 What Is A … Read more